Hi all! I’ve decided to break The Wishlist up into weekly segments for paid subscribers, in addition to their other special posts, for pragmatism’s sake, since the master list (still available here!) was getting unwieldy. Also included in each wishlist post, under the paywall, will be my running list of favorite brands/designers. Thank you so much for your patience as I’ve been a bit quiet this week/end—been going through some nasty health scares, but coming out the other end with gusto!
If you like these posts, please let me know by liking and commenting here or on HR’s Instagram, subbing to the HR Substack (this) for free or get bonus posts for seven bucks a month, or for ZERO DOLLARS, share (tag me if on IG so I can see and thank you)!
If you cannot afford the $7/month, I totally understand—respond to any of my email sends and I will get you a $2 subscription or comp you, whatever you need. HR is for everyone!
THANK YOU for being here, and I am always available @humanrepeller on Instagram for sartorial scandals/situations/summons. Here is a little preview of what’s below the paywall: