Hi hi! Today’s a quickie (read until the end to find out the sordid reason why): three random, kind of bizarre burgeoning mini-trends you should know about (or maybe you shouldn’t, either way, you’re getting the lowdown now): UnderOverwear, plastrons (read on to find out wtf that means), and the Harlequin pattern. The more you know! Or maybe it would have been better off if you’d never subscribed to HR in the first place. But probably not.
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The second I saw what my internet friend @jadedmade dressed Julia Fox in, I Knew:
I don’t have many other examples of this yet, because the trend is nascent, but mark my words: the Outerwear, or inside-out whale tail, or Plan B if you shit your pants, like, sooooo bad, is gonna take the world by the seat of ITS pants and give it an easily-accessible wedgie. I like the way the hip is exposed in this iteration, and bonus points for the pants being BLOOMERS:
Fashion Brand Company tends to do trompe l’oeil versions of this trend frequently:
Plastrons (you’ve seen them)
A.k.a. Dickey Tabard Bib Neck Warmer this weird little guy could be an enemy agent for all the names he’s got. Ok. they’re all SLIGHTLY different things, but this is a fashion blog, not a dissertation I need to defend. Initially designed to be worn under garments to give them the effect of a collar without the bulk (Dickey) OR over garments like a vest (Tabard) OR in case you spit up your food (Bib) OR if you’ve got a cold neck and a pathological fear of getting your scarf stuck in a garbage disposal (Neck Warmer). That WOULD be a dumb way to die. Nowadays, people wear them mostly layered over sweaters, jackets, and whatever else they deign to put upon their flesh. I especially like the ones that tie on the sides like a priestly ephod.
The resurgence of the mid-2010s check, turned on its side and disguised as jestercore. Mark my words, it’s coming for us.
I have a date tonight, so this one’s short, because I have to mentally prepare myself to run away if they start talking about law school and I have to face the reality of my career trajectory! Ciao!
<3 HR
That 70s dickey... 🤤
hi em! i don’t get these as emails so i’m not sure how to reply to it, but i’d love a comped/discounted subscription if possible 🩵