Thank you so much for writing this. I’ve been having this crisis for the past year... bogged down by the existential question of what I want work to mean to me and what it means in our capitalist system. I was on the road to just wanting to disconnect- thank you for reminding me why I’m pursuing the work my heart desires. You’re right, it is humbling. But you’ve reminded me that it’s worth it. Thank you.

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Jun 21, 2023Liked by em seely-katz

God em this was SO good!!!!

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by em seely-katz

I was so spellbound reading this i stepped in glass and dog poop on the way home (i’m fine). Finally!!! brilliant fashion writing for the left ! I’m ready for HR’s Capital, no restraint pls <3

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long-time reader, (lmao I somehow found your poetry many years ago via email subscription and have witnessed the rise of humanrepeller ever since) but first-time commenter. No one wants to read whatever long written response is certainly cooking in my brain so I will just say that this email made me uncontrollably sob in a really cathartic way. I am so moved by your empathy and emotional and intellectual journey of reconciliation (gasped aloud at the part about refusing to pursue what one is actually good at and existing in limbo watching those around you enter the corporate world). As someone in their early 20s with autism and no desire or energy to burn my life away under capitalism this was so immensely insightful to read. Idk it released so much guilt I have and made me feel so okay about spending my time reading my little books and manga, pursuing art and writing and sitting head empty in nature all the while figuring out how to get by. I am just letting myself exist right now and that feels radical.

my heart goes out to yours.

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