Cursed (?) Notes App Ideas
You know FW24 HATES to see me, my pointy shoulders, my JoJo chest windows, and my golems coming.
Hi! After my last post I have renounced vulnerability and am now made out of rubber like Luffy, similarly deflecting life’s japes and bouncing around like a light-up ball, coming up with Notes App Ideas such as “D.S. & Durga Vape” (though that can never compare to the ultimate Notes App Idea c/o
: “No H8” Hallowen costume. Pure genius).Anyway, below are five silly Notes App Ideas for the trying/pondering that actually have to do with fashion and what I think we might see this FW season. Sure, some may call it “trend forecasting,” but I make next to $0 off this so I think I’m going to call it “prophesizing.” From un-wearing to golem chic, I hope you have a laugh or a think down there!
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I was so delighted (as I always am when I see them) to peep Cole Escola on Good Morning America in a ridiculous top? dress? sweater? item that has a neck hole with a collar, yes, but pitched forward so it opens at the chest like a Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure character and Cole’s head sticks through another hole in the shirt’s “back”:

…Right?? I love both the chest peephole itself and the idea of clothes fitting as if in the process of being put on or taken off, essentially wearing clothes “the wrong way,” or “un-wearing,” I’d call it. Another example, from Victoria Beckham of all people (this season is so random), in her FW24 ready-to-wear collection:
Going beyond wearing a sweater slung over the shoulders or tied around the hips, wearing a garment as an appliqué, hat, apron, scarf (if not actually a hat, apron, or scarf), etc… This is some eight-year-old forcing their family to watch their “fashion show” as modeled by a begrudging cousin, but we have the potential to be both the kid and the cousin. It’s very entertaining and expansive, IMO.
A “subtler” way to do it has been floating around for the past year or so: wearing a button-up shirt as a skirt, as does the very cool artist/clothesmaker Yiling Zhao below in a fabric I can’t comprehend but want:
Then there’s the two-shirt skirt, which you can easily DIY (just make sure BOTH SHIRTS are intended “for the same gender” or the buttons will be on the wrong side to connect the two!) but has also been refined by Banzo:
And made a bit more masc as pants: