Hi! In this post, paid subscribers get four shoppable couple’s costume suggestions, for Halloween, Purim, or any given day (who wants to publish my pitch about dressing in character for non-costume events and how that can affect your experience of an occasion by forcing you to consider the physical realities of the chosen character, embodying them to an extent???). The fifth, below, is free for all. All costumes are easily thriftable, contain components you can rewear all year, and ride the line between looking hhhhot and committing to the bit, whether fairly recognizable or a little esoteric. I hope you have fun down there!
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THANK YOU for being here, and I am always available @humanrepeller on Instagram for sartorial scandals/situations/summons. Here is a little preview of what’s below the paywall:
Travis and Jane - Paris, Texas
Starting off with perhaps the simplest, most harrowing couples’ costume of them all, Travis can be emulated with just a red hat (stick to faded, dusty shades of red, interesting materials like leather, or cheeky logos to preempt the MAGA accusations). a loosely, subtly pinstriped suit (preferably wide-collared), a pointy-collared button down, maybe a yellow or peachy tie, a hundred-yard stare, and don’t forget a plastic gallon jug emptied of its water (or full of water, a great hydration strategy for your H’ween events!).

Oh, Jane. The obvious ideal is the last dress in this section, intentionally designed with every facet of the infamous movie look in mind, from the dipped-low back to the shoulder pads, but the Wim Wenders cops won’t find you if you wear an oversized, pink mohair sweater or cardigan (backwards, to pay homage to the backless silhouette in the film). All you need after the main course is a pair of black, transparent tights and any sexy shoe, from a low-vamp ballet flat to a 6-inch heel—I forget if we ever see Jane’s actual shoes in the film, and to be honest, my head hurts too much to rewatch right now. If you want more professionalism from HR, every paid subscription gets me one step closer to investing all my waking hours in this investigative styling… :-)