Hello! This bonus post is a lot less brittle and misty-eyed than my most recent public post, but that’s because I wanted to get right down to business: Below are some suggestions for shoes you may want to cop for fall that provide a new twist or unique take on some…dare I say a bit played-out…recent trends, from ballet flats to Salomons to loafers and beyond. No nonsense, just footwear. Ok, there’s always a little nonsense in an HR post, but that’s why you keep coming back, right? ;)
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THANK YOU for being here, and I am always available @humanrepeller on Instagram for sartorial scandals/situations/summons. Here is a little preview of what’s below the paywall:
Ballet flat » Jutti
If you’re looking for something low-profile, elegant, and sophisticated, with less of the trendy baggage that comes with the ballet flat, consider the jutti: a Punjabi slipper-style shoe originating in North India and Pakistan that differs from a ballet flat in its elegantly sloped-down sides (the shoe typically covers mostly just your toes and heel), and a toe that is traditionally either pointy or subtly indented in a way that makes you wonder if Simone Rocha has been taking notes (she certainly was for these feathery 2015 numbers with a shape that almost exactly mimics one common jutti silhouette). Jamie Haller makes a pair that will probably last you the rest of your life, but Etsy is STOCKED with beautifully embroidered and bedazzled juttis that dip below $30 or $40…I don’t know how they’re being produced, and at this point, I’m too afraid to ask. Various options below for your ethical consideration.