Hi! Bonus post time! Below lie 50 clothing items that have lurked in various carts, in open tabs, haunting in the background of my work days over the past few months.
Until I actually get my hands on any of them (through various, complicated financial and logistical machinations, since I’m flat broke and you basically can’t ship anything to Argentina), I both already own them and never will, at least, as far as you’re concerned—they’re mine insofar as I pledge my heart and soul to them, I would buy them, I might buy them, I want.
In this post, I’m staking my claim, rolling the manifestation dice, and showing you a peek at the pieces that have actually compelled me to this rhapsodic precipice, sans theme or agenda. WITH commentary. A lot. Probably the most I’ve ever made. I’m feeling chatty.
Enjoy, and if you’re interested in receiving a minimum of two bonus posts per month, sign up below or HERE is a link to subsidized subs for two or less bucks a month! Feel free to share this newsletter with a friend and respond to this email telling me you did it if you aren’t able to afford the two dollars and I will comp you a month’s subscription.
THANK YOU for being here, and I am always available @humanrepeller on Instagram for sartorial scandals/situations/summons. Here is a little preview of what’s below the paywall:

Where would I wear this? Oh, everywhere. To pick up my meds, to the club, to a banquet in my honor, to walk through TSA. I don’t think this one really needs much justification, except maybe financially, but that price is honestly incredible when you think about the returns in spiritual capital this dress is sure to provide.

This is the more-affordable cousin to an incredible necklace below the paywall (!), but it’s the perfect length, Justine Clenquet always churns out quality pieces, and it’s hardcore as hell without looking like a Party City accoutrement. Subtle, elegant choke collar.

My thighs sometimes get sweaty in fleecey pants if I’m suddenly subjected to a radiator, so these vents are nifty to keep air flowin’, and I love the stone-washed cherry red. These immediately reminded me of Lucio Fontana’s famous slashed-up canvas.

I’m always super into… tubes? I guess my Bataille-and-Bacon-induced phase of abstract body horror never left me, because this bag looks downright intestinal in my eyes. I love the way the handle droops and knots, and the padding would make a comfy pillow in a pinch, plus it’s such a dark shade that it won’t showcase floor grime like a spinach-tainted tooth gap.

I’m so not over tie-dye, sorry for the 2020 flashbacks, but I especially love it in an incongruous context, like a cutesy vintage dress. It’s cotton, looks SO comfy, the sailor collar is making me froth at the mouth with desire, and the price is righty-o. Please, someone, go buy it (the cat is dead, but just for a second).