20 Brands/Designers You Don't Follow Yet (and Should)
Let's get them to 10k and beyooooooooooooooooo (etc.)
Heeeeeey. We need to talk. I looked through your Instagram following list (yes, yours) and noticed…a problem. There are several IG accounts with sub-10k followers (besides, haha, mine!) that you don’t follow, belonging to brilliant brands and devious designers that you seem to be unaware of as of yet. That all changes right here, right now.
I really need to make the first June post for you, darling patrons, bear with me, but I didn’t want to paywall these gems, because a) the below sellers deserve your patronage and b) you, the patron, deserve the below brands. Call me a yenta, because I’m sanctifying this match. From panniere-d skirts to clogs that leave skid marks (not the gross kind) and beyond, I hope you enjoy the bounty I have harvested and now humbly present to you below. If you can’t afford a cop just yet, give these IG accounts (linked in titles!) a hearty follow and tell em’ HR sent you!
If you like these posts, please let me know by liking and commenting here or on HR’s Instagram, subbing to the HR Substack (this) for as little as two bucks a month, one dollar per bonus post (subsidized subs available HERE) or for ZERO DOLLARS, share (tag me if on IG so I can see and thank you)!
Thank you SO MUCH for your support, whatever you are able and willing to do to help is extremely valuable to me and I’m honored to be a small part of your life on the web.
Samara Lou Willis
The deal: Frilly and/or fishy (in an elegant fashion) hand-sewn bags to suit everyone from a Pisces to a pescetarian.
Top cop: Blue Jean Beaded Fish Bag - £150
The deal: Mossy pearls on hoops for your ears, lonely dolls’ dresses on blazers for your heart, swishy pannier skirts (er, shkirts) for your hips, and many more magical motifs.
Top cop: Pannier Shkirt: Aluminum - $5,200.00 MX
fey fey
The deal: Loopy, lumpy, luscious pieces with details like armpit cutouts, caps with secret messages under-brim, and more.
Top cop: 0x0 CottonKills - BLACK SENSE - $200
Ruth Neubauer
The deal: Tire-tread clogs/cloggy sandals tough enough for someone who’d unclog a toilet, no problem, but then simmer off to the dance floor to cut a mf rug.
Top cop: Camo Clog - $175
Noon Jewellery
The deal: Beloved-and-road-tested by HR baubles that make metal look pillowy, pearls look sentient, and gems look more precious than chunks of moon rock.
Top cop: Twin Peal Stud - $180 (I was generously gifted a pair and they are STURDY and BEAUTIFUL)
Ramp Tramp Tramp Stamp
The deal: Slutty clown suits for genderfucking ghouls and goddesses.
Top cop: Lucky logo removal baby tee - $140 AUD
Remy Durbin
The deal: Artisanal, made-to-fit, loungey-but-sharp clothes for the farmstead, family gatherings, or freaky nights at the cluuuu.
Top cop: Handmade Pants - Dm for pricing
The deal: The loveliest lez looks.
Top cop: Lesbos Tee - $30
Olive Woodward
The deal: Y2K for if Y2K actually happened and we were all having to reconcile with the world ending but still had to show face at the club.
Top cop: Crackle Leather Puff Purse - $345
C.C. Asensio
The deal: Catsuits, tights, and more in tie-dye so rich that it will tire your dying eyes out, then resurrect them as all-seeing amulets.
Top cop: Yellow moss maroon catsuit - £190.00
Lizzie Kidd
The deal: The uniforms dreamt of by all the broken dolls left under your childhood bed.
Top cop: Cheetah Girl Bike Shorts - $90
Tashi Fay
The deal: Romance-ready* one-of-one pieces.
*in a spurned-lover-turned-nightmare-haunter sorta way
Top cop: Proper Clown Open Dress - $600
The deal: Office garb for the Miss Havishams and Bartlebys (the two genders?) of the cubicle block.
Top cop: Drafting Sleeves - $80
de Maria
The deal: Handmade leather goods from Mexico to NYC for people who have google-searched “Vaquera” and accidentally learned a new word in Spanish!
Top cop: Carmela Sandal - $145
The deal: Blissfully buggy casual wear for the badass and perma-bitten (blood-suckers LOVE me) among us.
Top cop: Crayfly Top - $65
Leila Jinnah
The deal: Headpieces and hair accessories that will be looked upon as artifacts of glamour in a few centuries.
Top cop: HartStar Bandanna - $120
Lotte Irene
The deal: Beatifically bulbous rings for your most deified digits.
Top cop: Capo Ring - $170
Nguyen Inc.
The deal: Oat Cow Tour for the oat-eaters and cow-milkers and tourists and just regular ol’ guys who want to look fly.
Top cop: Strapless Bubble Dress - $375
Stau Heidemarie
The deal: Elusive (sometimes on APOC, sometimes on Etsy, never consistent, always compelling) tights that capture sunsets and landscapes and butterfly parades and first kisses, somehow all at the same time.
Top cop: Bouder Tights - €90,00
Catherine Boddypart
The deal: Lingerie for the Hisoka-coded and other potential assassins, valued for their unassumingly darling demeanors.
Hope you find at least one new true love amongst the riches above! Let me (and the brands!) know if you cop anything, and may Simone Weil’s ghost be with you (but not while you do anything slutty).
<3 HR